Why hire a Christian SEO company?

07 Mar

Why hire a Christian SEO company? Honestly it should not make a difference whether a company is a Christian owned, Muslim owned, Jewish owned, or for that matter any religion. If the company is ethical and does what it says that really is all that should matter.

In my opinion though, if a company is truly a Christian company, then it holds itself to a higher standard. A company being a Christian-based company should treat others honestly, do effective SEO to the best of its ability, and never cheat swindle its customers.  Of course, my perspective is bias being a Christian and my beliefs are definitely skewed.  That being said though in the 21 years of being in business I’ve never intentionally misled or taken advantage of any of my clients.  While currently all of us at SEO ONE are Christians, we’ve always hired people based on talent and not religion.  We’ve always expected all employees of SEO ONE to be held to the very highest standard regardless of their beliefs.

As a Christian company, we hold ourselves the very highest standards and we answer to God above all else.

SEO ONE was founded by Dan Stalfire who is an avid Christian.  Dan puts his belief in God above all else and treats all of his clients the exact same way he wishes to be treated.  SEO one was founded in 1997 with the belief that treating someone fairly, honestly, and ethically is the only way to do business.  To learn more about SEO ONE visit us at www.seoone.com or call us at 877 4MY-WEBB “877 469-9322”


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