16 Feb
Georgia SEO for your business

One of the most asked questions I get is why does SEO fail?  I hear all the time I’ve done SEO on my website, but I just didn’t get the results that I wanted.  I hired a company, I spent thousands of dollars, but I didn’t get any clients from it.

This is very common, and unfortunately most of the people I talked to have had this experience.  So, the question really is why?  SEO fails for three main reasons, all of which are fixable and avoidable.

SEO Failure Reason 1

There is an old saying that nobody plans to fail they just fail to plan.  This saying has never been truer than SEO.  In SEO, you must carefully lay out a strategy and develop a game plan to accomplish your goals.  This should include keyword research, initial optimization, competitor research, analyzing the results, and developing an ongoing strategy to submit their information to the search engines.  Where people fail in this step, is typically the keyword research, and laying out a detailed strategy for the campaign.  Both of these are critical to the success of your SEO campaign, and if either are neglected it usually spells disaster.

SEO Failure Reason 2

The second leading cause of failure in SEO, is hiring an incompetent company to do the SEO for your business.  As we all know, there are over 10,000 SEO companies that appear overnight every day.  While that may be an exaggeration it does shine light on the fact that they pop up all the time, and the vast majority of SEO companies really don’t know what they’re doing.  Some of these SEO companies actually do more harm to your website and business than good.  Do your research thoroughly, look at the results the SEO company has gotten for others, how long they been in business, their reviews, and even talk to some of their current customers.  Do your homework, making a mistake here can be extremely costly to your business and can turn you off on SEO and prevent future success.  Understanding that not all SEO companies are created equally, and also understand just like in your business there are good companies and bad companies.

SEO Failure Reason 3

The third reason SEO fails for businesses, and one of the easily avoidable ones is not following Google’s rules.  Google lays out what it expects you to do for your SEO on your website.  This is called its algorithm, and it does change every six months.  In order to optimize a site properly you have to understand the rules, and you have to play by them.  There are no shortcuts in SEO, there are no tricks, and there is no way to fast-track getting on the first page.  It is a very black and white process, and you simply have to follow the rules that Google gives to you in order to have success.  Every six months on average Google gives a new set of rules, that you need to follow to achieve success.  While their algorithm is quite complex, the stuff that they expect from you for your website, is fairly simple.  They expect things like keyword density of a certain point, H1 headings, extremely relevant back links, a proper title tag, proper content development, alternate text tags, social media, and a mobile friendly website.  While there are more items that you should have in your SEO, these are some of the critical things that are needed in order to achieve a first page ranking.


While there are other reasons that SEO does fail, this article outlined the three main reasons.  This article should give you an idea on the common pitfalls to avoid in order to have success with an SEO campaign per your website.  In 21 years of doing SEO, I’ve seen hundreds of companies fall into these three failure categories.  Hopefully this article, will help you avoid the mistakes I’ve seen others make.


This article was prepared for you by Dan Stalfire with SEO ONE. Dan has been working in the SEO field for over 21 years and has experience in digital marketing, SEO, web design, and social media. Dan is an expert in lead generation and new customer retention. To learn more about Dan Stalfire or SEO ONE visit or call us at 4MY-WEBB “877-469-9322”.


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